Sunday, June 17, 2012


Who hasn't heard of ceren.gk. The beloved MSW of 2011. She is currently Stardoll's finest elite! That is until the 2013 MSW comes around. But as for now everyone loves her, and I mean how could they not? Well her getup certainly says a lot about her.


MeGustaKerry: 8/10 I really like this look! The LE purse is really pretty! And the swimsuit looks amazing! Just in time for summer! And the fur coat pulls the look together perfectly. But, what I don't like about this look is the shoes. I honestly hate those boots. They look horrid. And maybe her hair could have been left down. It's a bit too classy for my taste.

Yugiohbakura: 6/10 I agree with Austin's comment. Those boots totally don't go with the outfit and are pretty ugly. This is a more casual and simple look, she should have had he hair down and kind of flowy. Her makeup really ticks me off, it's caked on. I just hate those pale cheeks, but that's just me. Overall this outfit is pretty average.