Sunday, June 17, 2012


Jack is one of the most idiotic users of Stardoll. He's a fame whore on a dolly site meant for girl tweens. His outfit is one the most intriguing.


Yugiohbakura: 4/10 What is this? Some kind of punk fashion? Are you a fan of lady Gag-Gag? It looks like a fracking goth stripper. The shoes are just horrible. They look like they were put together by a 7 year old. Were you out of ideas or money? At least you know what to wear on Halloween now.

MeGustaKerry: 6/10 Iconic. Jack is always ready to share his weird fashion with the world. I for one thought this look was alright. I really hate the cross necklaces and the shirt. But the way he made the look work together looks nice! Kind of like a train wreck bride. I mean I kind of get what you were going for.... but who can blame me for not. I mean it's not as if I am Kasia.


  1. omfg hHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH help jack's outfit is perf satan will devour your souls!!!!!

    1. shut up cian. ur like an ignorant teenager, no one cares about what you say

    2. Cian? I thought your name was Sak this whole time O.O

  2. @whoever the fuck wrote this; satan will devour your souls and i will summon the demons from hell to torture your psychologically

    @joshii; shut the fuck up BINDIS ARE NOT JUST FOR ASIAN BITCHES

    @buddywhatever; who the fuck is called sak

    1. You're incredibly ignorant. I never said non-Asians couldn't wear bindis. I meant that people apart of Indian culture only should. Anyways it doesn't matter. Bindis are a part of our religion and culture, but I guess you're too stupid to understand that.
      You guys don't realize it, but you're embarrassing yourself. lol.
      tee hee

  3. Jack, you're the stupidest and ugliest thing I have ever met. You're vile in every way and I am sure one day when you realize you have NOTHING in life and you NEVER will you will feel bad. I honestly hate you. Get a fucking life.
